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Kamis, 11 Desember 2008

love for sells or love sells?

We all look for love ,love sells,

look at the movies and the song lyrics around us, but because the world has a concept of balance ,therefore when we find one,there will also heartbreak that follows it sooner or later.
sometimes we only found heartbreak,because some other time, we break someone else’s heart.

mungkin bener kata orang bijak, kalo gak mau sakit hati jangan jatuh cinta. makin tinggi terbangnya makin sakit jatuhnya.

p.s : thanks buat film chasing liberty ,another movie that sells love and also thaught me that sometimes lying can be good and telling the truth can be bad’.
With these philosophy and because lying is actually “bad” , i came to a conclusion that there is no bad and good in this world anymore, in the end we must follow our heart,and it really depend on the situation.

i still believe in love though,and still looking for one:)


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